I felt the same pain you’re feeling

By: Chelsea, from the YouTube Channel: MommysTrying Now I know to ask questions in a more sensitive manner when it comes to asking if someone has children, if they want children, etc. Going through that

By: Chelsea, from the YouTube Channel: MommysTrying

Now I know to ask questions in a more sensitive manner when it comes to asking if someone has children, if they want children, etc. Going through that “baby fever” pain made me more aware of and in tune to how any other person may be feeling when it comes to the topic of having children.

I had a family friend come out publicly that her and her husband had to use in vetro fertilization to get pregnant. And that made me remember asking them in the past when they were going to have kids. At the time they were already fighting to have a child and probably had to go through quite an emotional process whenever somebody decided to ask about having children.

Or how about the people who have tried everything and came to the realization they will never be parents. Or to the parents that have gone through the entire process of the pregnancy but lost their child way too soon. I see you, I’ve heard you, I have thought and prayed for you to be able to calm yourself and help you release that pain that holds you down. I now know to be more aware, and to think about how a question that most would see as innocent, or just small talk, could completely destroy someones day, week, or even longer.